Tuesday 13 August 2013

Squats for total lower body magic ;-)

You may or may not know, but squats is king when it comes to boosting test,  growth hormone,  burning overall more calories,  works most of the muscles in the human body in one single move (musles - calves, quadriceps, hamstrings,  gluteus,  abdominals, hip flexors, back, shoulders, arms) one rep of a good form propper squat will work all the above muscles and more.

There are many versions of squats that has taken shape over the years, weather it was to make it easier, harder, more isolated,  whatever the case may be, basic squats is your bread and butter when it comes to building an impressive lower body.

Squats is not the easiest of movements due to multiple factors, balance, flexibility,  strength. So when starting out with barbell squats, ask for assistance from fitness instructor or knowledgeable training partner or friend.

Below I have 2pics of a squat, first picture is the start, thats the position you should be in and thats what it looks like, bar balanced and secure on traps, chest out, back straight, feet shoulder width apart.

2pic is at the bottom of the movement, before starting to make your way back to starting position. Notice how everything looks the same as in 1pic only knees is bent, point is your structure must stay upright and tight at all times, all through the motion.

When squating, always keep your head up, look in the mirror at your form and to keep monitoring if you are doing the movement justice.
Squats like any other exercise is save, but in the wrong hands even water becomes a threat ;-).

You always see massive weights on tje bar for this exercise, yes this is a movement that over TIME you'll get really strong, dont rush the processes,  keep focus on contraction and form and the rest will come soon enough.

Exercises that holds similar muscle stimulation is : hack squats, leg press, box jumps, but if you want the results squats is your answer.

Girls if you dont have a squat rack in the ladies section, go to the squat rack in the men section, when it comes to safety and effectiveness there are no area's off limits... will also help motivate guys to train legs;-)

Have fun, be safe.

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