Sunday 29 September 2013

Goals goals goals

In order to achieve something, you need some form of goal or achievement to work towards.

The goal must be achievable and realistic but dont set the bar to low...challenge yourself!

Long term and short term goals

Your long term goal should be broken up into short constant reachable goals to assist you in getting closer and closer to the bigger picture the main a form of guidance to see if you still on track and moving towards your main goal

- say you want to lose 10 kg by December then you need to have short term golas to keep you going to help you reach this... in this caes you'll need to schedule regular weigh in session where a certain criteria should be met...let say and average of 3-4kg must be lost per month over the next 3 months to achieve your big goal of losing 10kg by December.
These monthly weigh -ins can be further broken into smaller goals of weighing each week where the goal would be to lose 800g-1, 2kg per week to achieve the 3-4kg loss at the end of each month.

Now you have a goal in mind? Now to formulate the plan on how to reach this goal.

-ask for some professional advice
-find out how you should approach your goals short and long term.
-do reseach
-educated yourself about the things you need to know to help achieve your goals
-get a propper assessment done and ask for personal trainin or a programme designed for your specific needs and goals (remember. ..what works for one..might not work for the next)
-stay focused to achieve the short term goals to finally reach your main goal.
-to achieve goals in the gym surely there is gonna have to be goals outside the (what and when to eat, supplements to help aid in goals and so forth)
- make sure you have all the basics covered. .. (training plan, food plan, supplements plan)

If you have a good plan and a guide to get you there...its much easier to stay on it.

-set goal
-break main goal into small frequent goals
-get a propper guide to assist you (trainer, training programme,  diet)
- assess yourself and schedule assessments
-make deadlines where certain goals must be met in order to meet the deadline for main goal.

Failing to plan is planning to fail ;-)

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