Wednesday 24 July 2013

Window of opportunity

May of you have heard about the window of opportunity,  commen term in bodybuilding - it relates to time periods (windows) where body can utilise more nutrients than at any other time during the day.

There are two main windows that should be utilised or be of greatest concern,  Breakfast & Post -workout.

Breakfast is of the utmost importance, not only is it the corner stone of any good diet but it akso sets the pace for your metabolism throughout the day and more importantly,  its stops catabolism from the "fast" going without food for 8 hours while sleeping.

Post-workout - supplementation and good nutrition as quickly as possible following your weight training session.
At this time body is also going catabolic so firstly its to stop this from continuing.
Body is very open to nutrient uptake following session due to a higher sensitivity to insulin,  which means morw nutrients can be utilised to speed recovery and promote protein synthesis.

In the morning I woukd suggest using more use of fats, carbs yes but fats will have a slower burn keeping you fuller and sugar levels more stable (nuts, natural peanutbutter,  eggs, milk)
Post-workout,  fat should be avoided foe the most due to it slowing down the absorption process of nutrients,  and at this stage you want fast, the fastwr the better, so no fats directly after training. Think whey protein,  high molecular carbs such as vitargo,  followed by chicken and rice or potato or pasta.

For more advanced trainees the use of high sugars or simple carbohydrates are used at these times to furthermore spike insulin levels to drive more nutrients into worked muscles, but thats a chapter by itself.

To make the most of these two windows, make sure you have necessary things in place,  if you know you gonna be busy pack in a shake, always make time for breakfast,  have food prepared for oost training, dont waist the window making the food, spend the window eating it;-)

By making more of these two times in your daily routine, you'll be surprised at how much it adds up to greater recovery,  faster metabolism,  better results.

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