Tuesday, 4 October 2011

ladie ladies ladies

This is an usual respons i get from females training with weights -' i dont want to build muscle, or i dont want to become to muscular, no ill rather just do cardio' sounds familiar. the truth is.. its not that easy to build muscle at all specialy for the ladies, due to the fact that women has very little/ low levels of testosterone in relation to men, which is the primary hormone for building  muscle.

If females train the testosterone levels increases slightly, but not sugnificant enough to make you build mucsle like a man, just the right amount to help with body toning, fat burning, and faster recovery.

Doing weight training in combination with cardio will aid in your fat burning goals twice as fast as just cardio alone! let me break it down- your body burns glycogen while you train with weights, the energy sourse that follows when glycogen stores are empty is lipolyses (fat), so for those who dont train, you burn glycogen on the treadmill, not fat, but if you weight train first and then hit the treadmill, the body has all ready burned up all the glycogen in the muscles, so only sourse of enery left is lipo ( fat), so now you hit the treadmill and the energy your body is consuming comes from the fat stores and not the muscle stores.

So to weight train in combination with cardio is a must, due to the fact that you burn fat more direct this way, it also helps to shape and tighten the body, it provides more strenght for everyday living and activities outside the gym...its helps with bone density and calcium uptake wich is crutual for women...more muscles being active in body the more calories the body burns even while resting...due to a higher matabolic rate in the body...

Weight training is female friendly...its safe and fun and challenging...its not all muscle and veins...its over all wellness and good health...strong health functional muscles. ..

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