Monday, 3 October 2011

anatomy 101

To fully understand training or to get the most out of your training, you need to know something bout muscles, how they work, why do they  react certain ways, why this exercise will work and not that one. the more you know bout how the macanics work, the easier your training and mind muscle connection will become.

Quick lesson- a muscle needs to fully contract and extend in an exercise...meening a full range of motion...from the longest relaxed point to the fully smaller harder contracted point... called flexion and extention through full range of motion...

Therefore...a weight being used must be of such nature that an exercise can be performed with propper form and full range of motion...too much weight and body will compremise and call more muscle groups into play...this is a good and a bad thing...good thing-strenght increase...calorie expenditure is higher...higher testosterone and gh levels
Bad thing...bad form and heavy weight = injury and over training...central nervouse system overload...poor recovery...

So if a programme tells you 4 sets of 10 reps...the weight must be heavy enough so you struggle on the last 2 reps of each set...then the weight is right for that specific exercise. ..if you can go far over the specified reps acquired then weight is too light...if you cant complete set with propper form then weight is to heavy...

Too many times ego gets in the way of developing decent muscle and just moving weight from point a to point b...
Leave the ego at the door and train to reach your desired goals...that was the plan from the beginning wasnt it?

Recap: train with full range of motion (fully extended to full contracted)
Use weights that make you complete sets with propper form while working to almost failure on last to reps of each set.
Train to impress yourself not people standing around...

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