Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Good old H2O and stay hydrated

Why is water important? simply put - water is life and protection, you spend the first 9 months living in water (amniotic fluid) the human body consists out of 70% of water, muscle size is directly influenced by water levels, a guy wath big muscles, its means his muscles abilty to hold more water/glycogen is just greater than a smaller guys muscles, therefore the pump that we chase while training, that is to stretch the fascia's of muscle bellies to hold more water/glycogen - muscle size...

Hydration is of utmost importance, even when you are not training!
Most of the processes in the human body relies on water(blood) to happen, transport of oxygen, transport of food to muscle, transport of toxins from inside the body to the outside of the body. hydration is very important in everyday life, even more so when you train or live an active lifestyle, when you train your body goes through many chemical processes, breaking down of fat,  swapping out sodium for potassium in working mucsles, transportation of oxygen to working mucsle and transporting of carbon dioxide.

Power in muscle is directly linked to water levels in body...if body looses water (dehydration) muscles cant work optimal...water is critical while doing any type of training. ..keep hydrated at all times...

Drink water is hard for many of us, specially the optimal water intake 3-4l a day...

Ways to up water intake
- immediately apon waking up down a glass of water (dehydration happens during the night)
- carry a bottle of water with you and sip from time to time ( youll start drinking without even knowing) the body loves water so it will go into auto pilot)
- drink water with each meal ( will make you eat less and help with nutrient transport throughout body and digestion.
- sip on water between training sets or take regular water breaks to hydrate
- water is your friend and if a healthier lifestyle and weight loss is your goals when you must get well akwainted ;-)

Hydration benifits

- excretion of toxins from within the body
- carrier of oxygen en nutrients to muscles amd organs
- involved in chemical processes in the body, uptake of oxygen and swapping of carbon dioxide,  breaking down of fats
- many vitamins are water soulable so water is need for process to be complete
- fights commen colds and flue
- optimal function of organs(kidney, liver,  heart).
- directly linked to performance in sport, amd training, a well hydrates athlete will pwrform better than a dehydrated athlete.

Stay hydrated,  stay healthy....

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