Yes you read the header correctly. ..resting for better results this ''better" includes fat burning...muscle growth...wellness. ..
From the top... when training of any kind, the body breaks down, cortisol levels rise, catabolic state...
This tears on micro level needs time to heal and recruit new muscle fibres, if this doea not happen then tje micro tears become macro tears and soon injury or over training will result.
Keep in mind that if you train...thats just a small percentage of the transformation, you can kill yourswlf in the gym, countless hours of lifting and cardio, if your aftermath is not sound then very poor results can be expected...
Now we all know that a good diet is key to any sport really to perform at peak levels...but if there is no time to rest and recover then its all pointless...
Sleep is the king of recovery...the body can only full recuperate and build new cells even burn fat and more defined when you talking bout a good nights rest even a afternoon nap.
If you sleep patterns is wack then chances are that you will not lose weight if that is your desired goal...nor will you get stronger or build lean all three these cases the exact opposite will occur. ..
When you sleep (REM-rapid eye movement) then magic happens in the body...hormones balance...growth hormone is released (fat burner, longevity, recovery) and Central nervous system gets a chance to recover...
Tips on rest...
Try and not train weight 5 days a week without a rest day in between..say a 2 day split 2 training days (monday and tuesday) then an off day (wednesday) and 2days on again (thurday friday) on off days you just do mild walking cardio to circulate fresh blood to muscles...
I also suggest a week off after every 10-12 weeks...this gives body ample time to rest and recover and renew your hunger for training again.
Get a good night's sleep 6-8hours per night... naps is good too...
Train hard...keep the balance. ..;)
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