supplements vs whole foods
First off, there is no substitute for good healthy whole food...yes with the help of science today supplementation has become a crucial part of the modernised sportsman. ..
We've all heard the expression 'you are what you eat or abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym...this holds truth for the reason that if you dont feed your body the right types of food...then your body will never reavh its true potential. .. you can do millions of sit-ups and hours of cardio every day...but if your intake is not up to par then your results will fall short of your goals...
Good nutrition will always work best for us, why? this is how we are designed, we ingest solid food, our stomach digest these solids and the body utilises the nutrients thats needed, as its needed, in the correct amounts need if we provide it, the human body is amazing at how it works and operates, our bodies and digestive system was designed to get whats needed through the food we eat.
Now if your diet is up to scratch and you have reached a " limit" results are coming slower, fat is not going, recovery is slow, weight is stuck... so you have done all you can to make it as far and natural as possible, now you add supplements to boost you, to take you past your limits.
Supplements work - but it works with you, not without you, meaning you still need to put in the work, many think if you are on a fat burner you can eat whatever and the pill will take care of the damage, or ok I train so now I can eat anything, neesle - bubble.... it doesn't work like this, you have to work harder on supplements than when not using, thats my philosophy, you went through all tjis trouble to get to here now inveated money in supplements, so make super sure you do your part so the supplements can optimally do there's.
Supplements are there to aid in your goals and meal you get the most out of it...this does not mean that you can use good supplements and have a weak meal plan and a sloppy training routine and still heal the results that you set out the attain. .
Here are some supplements that will aid in your favour if all else is correct (good diet and good training routine)
CLA - conjugated linoleic acid (make fat more available as energy source for bodybto use as fuel.
GREEN TEA EXTRACT- very potent anti- oxidant (breaks down fat and fight free radicals in body and helps with immune function
WHEY PROTEIN- very good and convenient source of protein that also aids in fatburning.
FAT BURNER- just an added bonus of raising the body's metabolism and core temperature (start at low doses to avoid the jitter effect and the crash or come down effect...
MULTI-VITAMIN- a good multi-vitamin goes a long way in putting it all together...
WATER- water is critical. ..all these supplements mentioned above needs a carrier wich is water...even more important is waters role to excrete alk the waist products from the body as body burns fat and detoxify its self...
Supplements are there to aid in the process not to take it over completely.
A good training routine...a propper diet specific to reach your goals and supplements above will put you well on your way to leaner healthier you. ..
No supplements can replace good cleean food and hard work, the supplements is added bonuses to furthermore aid you in reaching your goals.
When considering buying supplements, first find out what is your goals and needs and which supplements will aid in this process, you dont want to be spending money on things your body dont need.
Shop around, supplements now a days are almost every available, so shop around to get the most bang for your buck.
Do some research and ask people who can assist you in propper advice, not just someone who is trying to sell you a product.